Saturday, June 11, 2011

set your priorities.


have you ever felt like you don't have enough time to settle down everything around you? stress cause to many thing in your life that you have to handle it by yourself? and sometimes rasa da tak larat sangat da sebab banyak sangat benda yang kena pk? serabut tak tau settle kan yang mana dulu? haa relax ok? tarik nafas hembus. tarikkkk hembussss. okay lets read story kat bawah ni perhaps it can helps to motivate you as it works for me :)

A philosophy professor enter his class with some items and put it on table. the items are empty mayonnaise jar, 2inch rocks, a box of batu kerikil and a box of sand. the students have no clue what are the items relate in their subject. while the student berbisik antara mereka, the professor bersuara...

prof : there's anyone know what are these items for?
students : erm noooooooo.
prof : okayh let me show you what is all about. 

the professor picked up the large empty mayonnaise jar and started to fill it with the 2 inch rocks sampai tak muat. then he asked the students if the jar was full. the student agreed. so tanpa melengahkan masa lagi, the professor picked up a box with batu kerikil and poured them into the same jar. after that, the professor menggoncang the jar slowly and of course the pebbles (batu kerikil) will rolled into ruang kosong between the rocks. again he asked the student whether the jar is full and the students shout out loud 'yes it is!'. without looking the student, the professor continue fill the jar with a box of sand and goncang sikit so that the sand will fill ruang ruang kosong yang ade. he asked once again 'are the jar full student?'. the students respond with a unanimous 'yesss!'

then the professor begin to speak. okayhh, now i want you to assume that this jar represents your life. where the rocks are the important things in your life such as your family, your health, your friends, your partner which things that if everything else was lost, they will remained and your life would still be full. the pebbles represents other things that matter example your job, your house, your car, money and the sand is represents everything else i mean every little thing in your life. the small stuff. lets think this way, if you put the sand into the jar first, there is no room for pebbles and the rocks. agree? yaa same goes for your life. if you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. pay attention more to the things that brings you happiness. such as hangout with your family and friends more, take your partner out to dinner or dancing or vacation and spend more time for yourself to rest so you can be healthy. don't worry about other things. there will always be time to go to work, clean the house, pay the bills and other things yang perlu diselesaikan. 

the main point here is take care the rocks first which things that really matter for you and the rest will follow. first set your priorities and you will know the rest is just sand. but remember the priorities that you set today might be completely different for a couple of months from now because in life everything constantly changes no thing will remain the same. no worries, that's totally fine because when we grow up, we will improve, we get smarter and get a deeper understanding of life as we live. but no matter how your life changes you still must have that framework that will keep you together and will help you to standstill when face life hurricanes. insyaallah! you are the owner of your life and only you can decide what is important and what is not. faham? HUHU! lets make life better than before and always remember to smile :) have a nice day! 


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