Thursday, July 14, 2011

things aren't always what they seem

Assalammualaikum! hey bloggie!

hye, how are you? is it good? i hope so. HUHU! hmm life is hard. sometimes you can't predict what will happen in your life. the only thing you can do is believe! believe that everything happen for a reason. some are beautiful ending some are not. so just accept the way it is and enjoy while you can.

Two traveling angels stopped to spend the night in the home of a wealthy family. The family was rude and refused to let the angels stay in the mansion's guest room. Instead the angels were given a space in the cold basement. As they made their bed on the hard floor, the older angel saw a hole in the wall and repaired it. When the younger angel asked why, the older angel replied, "Things aren't always what they seem." the younger still blank. The next night the pair came to rest at the house of a very poor but very hospitable farmer and his wife. After sharing what little food they had the couple let the angels sleep in their bed where they could have a good night's rest. When the sun came up the next morning the angels found the farmer and his wife in tears. Their only cow, whose milk had been their sole income, lay dead in the field. The younger angel was infuriated and asked the older angel "how could you have let this happen!? The first man had everything, yet you helped him," she accused. "The second family had little but was willing to share everything, and you let their cow die." 

"Things aren't always what they seem," the older angel replied. then the older angel explain. "When we stayed in the basement of the mansion, I noticed there was gold stored in that hole in the wall. Since the owner was so obsessed with greed and unwilling to share his good fortune, I sealed the wall so he wouldn't find it. Then last night as we slept in the farmer's bed, the angel of death came for his wife. I told him to take the cow instead. i have told you before, things aren't always what they seem."
Sometimes this is exactly what happens when things don't turn out the way we think they should. Just trust that every outcome is always to your advantage. You might not realize it until much later. like i have state in my older post 'ALLAH tidak akan melakukan perkara yang sia sia.' just accept with open mind and positive way. Insyaallah you will be rewarded.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

creative lovers.

Assalamualaikum! hello there!

sorry for the late new entry, tak sempat update since lepaking nenek's house :)
actly i have no idea for new entry so here love letter yang creative. cool gila. HUHU! i got this through email from friend of mine. so lets read this "HATE letter". It is so funny and creative. This is a love letter from a boy to a girl. However, the girl's father does not like him and want them stop their relationship. so the boy wrote this letter to the girl. he knows that the girl's father will definitely read this letter.

1. "The great love that I have for you
2. is gone, and I find my dislike for you
3. grows every day. When I see you,
4. I do not even like your face;
5. the one thing that I want to do is to
6. look at other girls. I never wanted to
7. marry you. Our last conversation
8. was very boring and has not
9. made me look forward to seeing you again.
10. You think only of yourself.
11. If we were married, I know that I would find
12. life very difficult, and I would have no
13. pleasure in living with you. I have a heart
14. to give, but it is not something that
15. I want to give to you. No one is more
16. foolish and selfish than you, and you are not
17. able to care for me and help me.
18. I sincerely want you to understand that
19. I speak the truth. You will do me a favor
20. if you think this is the end. Do not try
21. to answer this. Your letters are full of
22. things that do not interest me. You have no
23. true love for me. Good-bye! Believe me,
24. I do not care for you. Please do not think that
25. I am still your boyfriend."

So bad!! However, before handing over the letter to the girl, the boy told the girl to "READ BETWEEN THE LINES" meaning only to read (Odd Numbers) so please try reading it again! It's so smart & sweet :) 

cool huh? :P


Friday, July 8, 2011

creative doe!

Assalammualaikum! hello!

here some pictures of creative invention. style gila doe! if ada kat malaysia nie wa borong baii :)

cool kan? huhuh! btw get this from several blog in the internet. :)


Thursday, July 7, 2011


Hurm this entry will be sensitive issue for guys and may for some girls too but this is the fact that they should know where having cigarette in their life will not affect themselves but also people they love too (people around them). we all clearly know that smoking cigarettes is a major health hazard. Yeah I know having conversation with people yang smoke ni memang buang masa. Confirm ada saja jawapan yang diberi untuk mempertahankan tabiat itu. Jawapan common yang diberi kalau da ajal mati la. They probably well aware about effect on their health but they might not know that the smoke from cigarette can be deadly to people near the smoker. There are two types of cigarette smoke: primary and secondhand. Primary cigarette smoke is the smoke that a smoker inhales directly from the cigarette. Secondhand smoke is the smoke that someone near a smoker inhales. Tahukah anda apa yang terkandung didalam asap rokok yang anda lepaskan merata rata tu?! Here list chemical in cigarette smoke.

Acetone is a chemical typically used in solvents, and it is often sold in its pure form as a commercial-grade solvent. Acetone can cause irritation to the eyes, nose and throat and prolonged exposure can cause serious damage to the liver and kidneys.

Like acetone, cresol is often used in solvents as well as disinfectants and preservatives. Cresol exposure can be irritating to the skin, nose, throat and respiratory system and prolonged exposure can lead to diseases of the upper respiratory system.

Cadmium is commonly used in ball bearings, batteries as well as metal paints and pigments for automotive and machine parts. Prolonged cadmium exposure can lead to cancer, liver damage, kidney damage and brain damage.

Catechol is an antioxidant substance commonly found in dyes, inks and automotive and house paints. Catechol can cause high blood pressure when exposed to the body, as well as contact dermatitis and upper respiratory infection and disease.

Commonly used in insulation, fiberglass and piping, styrene may be linked to leukemia, and contact can lead to headache, eye irritation, fatigue and dizziness. Styrene is on OSHA's list of hazardous chemicals, and when used in building materials, it must be closely monitored for safety.

Acrolein is a chemical commonly used in tear gas and other military grade weapons. Acrolein can cause extreme eye irritation, and it can cause severe upper respiratory disorders through prolonged exposure.

Commonly used in paint, solder, bronze and other metal alloys, lead can be found in many brands of cigarettes. Exposure to lead can lead to brain damage, kidney damage, anemia, stomach problems and reproductive damage. Second-hand smoke can be particularly harmful to children because of their sensitivity to lead.

Formaldehyde is regularly used in fiberboard, particleboard, plywood and foam insulation as a resin agent. Formaldehyde can cause lung damage, skin irritation, nasal cancer and intestinal problems after prolonged exposure.

Hydrogen Cyanide
Commonly used in the production of wood resins and plastics, hydrogen cyanide is also used in gas chambers for state-ordered executions in some states in the US. Hydrogen cyanide causes nausea, headache, fatigue and lung damage, as well as death, if exposed in extremely high doses.

Used in stainless steel, batteries and other metal alloys, nickel exposure can cause asthma, bronchitis and respiratory problems. Prolonged exposure has been linked to several types of cancer, though many studies in this area are inconclusive.

Quinoline is often used as a solvent for certain resinous materials, and it is similar to acetone in nature. Quinoline can cause eye damage, liver damage, and it has been linked to possible genetic mutations.

da abes baca? haa so what would you possibly think happen to people around you? tak rasa anda mementingkan dirikah? yes it might be a satisfaction for you to smoke but have you ever think for once about people around you specially meraka yang tak merokok? orang orang yang anda sayang? ye mungkin ada yang mengatakan 'alahh besok da kawin ade baby berhentilah.' tapi penah tak terfikir kalau sekarang ni pun liat nak behenti apa lagi akan datang kan? ye ajal tu ditangan tuhan, kalau tak merokok pun kita semua akan mati tapi kenapa perlu menyingkatkan lagi masa yang telah diberi? dan siapa kita untuk merosakkan harta yang telah di'loan'kan pada kita? kalau awak pun pinjamkan kereta kat member 'time awak pinjam kan kereta tu bersinar sinar lawa jew, aley aley member pulangkan bagi calar sikittttt je sikit je tapi obvious gila kat kereta tu agak agak awak marah tak? same goes to allah :) pandailah fikir sembang banyak pun tak gune kalau hanya dibaca tapi tiada reaction tol ak? HUHU! so kalau rase tak nak menjadi pembunuh orang yang anda sayang stop lah merokok ye? alright take care guys! :)

Let not your desire costs the lives of others,
For you don't have the cash to pay them.

Let not your money be spent on guns,
For which not the bullets that kill men.

Let not the earth bleeds with every puff,
For it is your own home that you're stabbing.

Let not your body cries in excruciating agony,
For you will be accounted for what you've borrowed.

Let not your ignorance makes your child cry,
For she can't stand to be with you.

Let not your father be an excuse,
For he never thought that you'll do it too.

Let not your mother cry of sadness,
For she had lost her beloved child.

Let not your friends fool you by saying it's cool,
For the reality of cigarettes is that it's cruel.

p/s- stoplah menjadi pembunuhhh! :)


koloya :)

hello hello! since astro beyond yang telah di subscribe oleh bapak akhir tahun lepas ia menjadi titik akhir bagi kami yang tidak meminati cerita cerita korea. HAHA! why? kerana sejak itu tiada siapa yang dapat menguasai television dirumahku selain mak. huwaaaa! 24hours channel 393 and kbs je. HAHA! da la balik melaka kena paksa tengok cerita korea (koloya) dengan rai balik umah pun itu je menjadi santapan mata ini. HUHU! tapi sejak akhir akhir nie layan pulak koloya ni. macam macam cerita aku da tengok (raira yuana jangan jelesssss) HAHA! dan yang memeranjatkan ku bapak pun layan siotttt! kalau mak takde tu dia pulak yang letakkan reminder. HAHA! tak dapat mengelak lagi aku pun da layan lagu2 koloya. damnnnnn! kami kecundang! tapi tak mengapa sebab semua happy. itu la masa kami satu family lepak sama sama :D

jum layan jap lagu ni. bagi orang yang tak minat koloya sure cakap mamat mamat ni macam pondan. (awal2 aku pun cakap camtu. lama2 layan lak cam comel pun ade. HUHU!) if nak eng sub click here. enjoyyyy :D



Assalammualaikum! hye readers!

hello hello there! how's july been treating you so far? good, i hope :) erm today i would love to apologize to my 'kawan' (who have been so excited to read my post) for the late post for new entry. HAHA! thanx kawan :) as promised, i try to update my blog after subuh prayer. HUHU! alright today im going to talk about SMILE :) :) :) why smile? because i've noticed that a lot of people nowadays susah sangat nak senyum. agree? kalau agree tolong angkat tangan macam sy nie. (ekot ucop wilcha) Bwahaha! tapi serious susah sangat nak senyum masalahnya. tak pasti sama ada dia lupa cara nak senyum atau memang tak nak senyum. HUHU! so i think i should share some fact that could show you how important a smile in life. lets check it out.

a smile is one of the most simple, inexpensive and wonderful things in the world. there are so many benefits you can get through smiling. smile not just make you look happy but it is good for your health too you know. but still, we often forget about this powerful action while we get lost in detail of today and tomorrow. hmmm as human we are drawn to people who smile. seriously lagi lagi dapat lak yang senyum tu lawa orangnya handsome orangnya ye dak? HAHA! if you ask me i definitely will fall for a guy who has a great smile. because for me smile helps you to become attractive person. kalau tak caya gi cuba senyum depan cermin jap tengok handsome or cun tak muka tu ke same je dengan tak senyum. HAHA! smile definitely contiguous! it happened to me. i don't know why but when i look at children or baby yang tengah senyum i will smile too. rasa macam happy jeee. 

 dhani pun pandai senyum.

plus when you smile at someone he or she will feel your energy and return the smile. kalau nak dorang rasa lagi energy tu cuba sentuh mereka i mean bersalaman or peluk ke because the negative energy around them will be less and your positive energy will begin to flow around her or him and eventually will generate and receive more positive energy. if you don't believe me, try senyum time gf or bf marah confirm dia tak jadi marah and at last follow korang senyum. err but try it at your own risk ye? ye la takut lak dapat bf or gf baran silap silap kena lempang pulak. jadi sy tak bertanggungjawab la apa yang terjadi lepas anda senyum tu ye. HAHA! alright smile could switch your mood because by putting a smile on it could actually trick the body into a better mood. the best part is its not only can make yourself feel better but it could also change the moods of others around you as well. so next time when you feel a little bit down, try to smile it might change your mood to be better. insyaallah :)
kemon la weyh baby pun pandai senyum kott.

smiling can relieves stress! i know bila da besar macam macam kita kena fikir. lebih banyak tanggungjawab yang perlu dipikul dan ia boleh membuatkan kita rasa stress. tak kisahlah hidup berumah tangga or hidup bersendirian stress tetap menjadi peneman pabila umur makin meningkat. but when we smile it relieves us from looking tired or overwhelmed. it can make us a bit relax, so when you stressed take some time to put a smile on your face. insyaallah the stress will be reduce abit. how should i know? i am surrounded by people who are going through rough times but still i never see them without a smile on their face. senyum sentiasaa. bak kata orang ganu senyum sokmoo. so it gives me motivation to do the same and alhamdulilah it works! it gives me great optimism in my situation. HUHU! 
 i bet you also smile when you see this picture. hihi!

lastly smile could make you be healthier because it is medically prove that smile lowers the boold pressure, helps the immune system to work better so you become more relax and prevent you from get flu. how this could possibly work? well when you smile, your mood increase and it releases endorphins, natural pain killers and serotonin which makes you feel good. so smiling actually natural drug and definitely make you younger. HUHU! so there are some benefits that you can get through a smile. just give it a try and make it a point to smile to others or even just when you are alone! senyum sensorang pun apa adahal. janji hati happy tul ak? alright thats all about smile. dare yourself to smile okay! :)
nah ambil satu :)


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

hye you.

hye you!

yes you! please stop being unhappy with yourself. you think you're not pretty? there's always someone uglier. you want more money? there are people in poverty. you want a boyfriend to make you happy? someone doesn't even have parents. you're hungry? there are children die starving. you want new thing to wear? someone is looking for anything that can be wear just to stay warm. you just wanna die? most people fight to live. you think yourself unlucky? there's someone is wishing to be lucky just like you. so please stop wasting your time think what you suppose to be. stop hating yourself. stop trying to get attention from those who hurt you. start to love yourself. be confident for who you are. SMILE because it'll draw people in. if there is someone hate you because you happy with who you are then stick your middle finger in the air or close your ears to what they say and say screw you, i don't give a damnn. my happiness will not depend on others anymore. i am happy for who i am. i love my imperfections because they make me be me and to me being me is pretty awesomee! the most important is be thankful :)

p/s : please don't screw your life with your negative thinking. the world needs more positive people, perhaps you can be one of them (matluthfi90) :)


poop burger.

Assalamualaikum! hey readers!

have you heard about alternative to solve food crisis (meat source)? if you do then good it shows that you alert dengan current issue! yeahh :) alright for those who don't lets read about it. HUHU! as we all know human population on earth is continue increasing right? this create to another problem which food supply where it is continuously decreasing. so to overcome this crisis, japanese scientist have found a way to solve it by create artificial meat. yeay? good news huh? but the bad news is it is from sewage which is human feces! ohhh yeahhhh HUMAN POOP! insane huh? no offence but seriously, is it necessarily to use human poop? there like thousand or billions thing in this world why human poop?! betul la kata mak makin tinggi belajar makin bangang pemikiran manusia. HUHU! absurd? yes definitely but that's the fact. japanese scientists have actually discovered a way to create edible steaks from human feces.

it starts when tokyo sewage asked Mitsuyuki Ikeda to explore the possible uses of the sewage and Ikeda found that the mud contained a GREAT deal of protein because it contains a lot of bacteria. the scientists then extract those protein and combined them with a reaction enhancer and put it in an exploder which create the artificial steak. the artificial meat contains 63% proteins, 25% carbohydrates, 3% lipids and 9% minerals. you probably wondering how the 'meat' become red right? hmm the researcher used food coloring and enhance the flavor with soy protein. yang tak le bla nya they have tests on people and some of them not even can differentiate whether it is poop meat or beef meat. unbelievable huh? boleh lak mencubaa. HUHU! allegedly, its low fat, can reduce waste and carbon emmisions. HUHU! walaupun begitu its hard to believe that any benefits could persuade people to take a bite of poop meat. HUHU! if boleh memang hebatttt!

surprisingly, the artificial meat will cost 10-20 times than regular meat. dude! your poop can make moneyyyy! kayo kayo! HAHA! he (Ikeda) admits that some people may have a psychological aversion to eating artificial meat made from poop at first but thinks many would be open to personally completing food chain. pfttt gila betul. they also hope that once the research is complete, people will be able to overlook that ugly detail in favor of perks like environmental responsibility, cost and fact that the meat will be low calories. so are you gonna eat poop meat to take responsible towards earth? lets share your opinion  here over this issue. here i attach the video. take your own risk to watch. weeee :P

if artificial meat berjaya dijual. you can start making business with your own poop. HAHA! and you may wanna start to eat veggie! :)


Sunday, July 3, 2011


assalammualaikum! hye hey!

Alhamdullilah!bulan julai sudah menjelma! Sy berharap ia bulan yang baik bagi kita semua. Ada yang bestnya ade yang tak bestnya bulan julai nie. Yang bestnya ia menanda kan lagi sebulan je nak berpuasa.yea! *Tak sabar* huhu! Tapi yang tak bestnya ia menandakan cuti semester kami bakal berakhir. ahhhh TIDAKkkk! *tidak rela* huhu! dijangka cuti kami bakal berakhir pada 24hb julai. hmm gembira? memang takk laaa. huhu! so sebelum cuti berakhir sy akan mengabiskan sisa sisa cuti saya dengan melepak dirumah nenek. layan siottt. macam2 dapat. haha! so anda bagaimana? semoga anda bergumbira ya? damnn rosakk mood bila terbayang assignment dan kerja2 yang bakal ditanggung time naik semester nanti.erghhh. alright take care! 
