Saturday, June 25, 2011


Assalammualaikum! hyee.

it is true that sometimes promises are hard to keep. some people say that promises are made to be broken. true huh? but if you have no intention to make the promise come true then why bother to make them? right? HUHU! haihh but that's apart of life, people tend to make promises when they are happy i mean when they are in a good situation. example: we make promises bila kita terlepas dari sesuatu bala. ('thanks dude for helping me out! i promise you i will do the same when you need me.') tapi bila kita da senang member susah adakah kita salah seorang yang berusaha untuk menghulurkan tangan untuk mereka gapai? the question is bape orang je yang datang offer tangan nak tolong? 

'i promise to make it done by tomorrow!' behind this line how many people do you think that will get it done as they promised? tak ya cakap orang la kita pun macam tu gak kan? we promise ourselves that we will finish up homework before the dateline but did we done it time awal2 dapat kerja or last minute br buat? tapi time awal2 semua bukan main cakap i'll promise to myself that i will keep my work done before dateline. HUHU! the truth is memang tak ahh kan? 'i promise i won't tell anybody! i'll keep my mouth shutt!' yahhh right. eventually only 10% of people that can keep the secret until they die. 90% lagi? haaa sendiri fikir ahh. :) next day, the whole street kecohh pasal rahsia hang. HUHU!

'i promise i won't do it again!' how many times did we promise to ourselves, our parents, our friends not to repeat things that we did that make them mad? did we really meant for what we promise? or we just want they to forgive and stop being mad that is why we make promises? yeahh i guess we just want them to stop membebel sebab tu kita promise kott. HAHA! thats why we end up doing the same mistake and breaking up our promises kan? HUHU!

and for muslims 'yaallah! i promise that i will be a better me and will repent for all sin that i've done! but please help me solve this problem yaallah!' how many times we fool ourselves with this empty promises just to believe that things will work out after we perform doa or prayer? don't we all aware that allah maha mengetahui atas segala galanya sama ada yang zahir mahupun yang batin? HUHU! 'i promise that i will always love you!' ni paling banyak dengar lagi time bercinta. HAHA! hmm been wondering, are these promises really meant for forever? dude! besides family(love) and allah there is nothing eternal or forever in this world. people will change so do the feelings. right?

bak kata nenek saya, kita harus berpegang kepada janji. kalau tak mampu jangan gatal berjanji. but if you really really really believe that you can keep it as you promise then tabik springg ahhh kat anda!good job! :) so untuk manusia yang rasa nak sangat berjanji, you must be decisive to keep that promise, especially if someone awaits for that promise or holds onto that promise. you know why? promises are worse than lies because you don't just make them believe, you also make them hope for something that you're not sure that you can fulfill them. jangan sakitkan orang kalau tak nak disakiti. HUHU! alright thanx for lepak-ing here. do it often okay :) will do appreciate it!

* this entry are meant for me. otak terhentak tadi so abit tersedar dengan kekurangan diri. HUHU! just need to express kekecewaan terhadap diri sendiri. ohh ya remember let your yes mean yes and your no mean no :)



  1. ahaha..that's so betol..mmg btol2 otak kau terhntak ni.. :))
