Saturday, June 18, 2011

good explanation for non muslim

Assalamualaikum! hello readers :)

i wanna share something quite awesome article (article ke?HUHU!). it is really good in explaining why we (muslim) must eat halal food and why we can't eat pork, bacon or ham (a pig la senang cite). this picture above will explain why in term of scientific. i am sure it helps non muslim or a muslim to understand more about this issue. no offence okay.    

very interesting huh? so after this korg da boleh explain da kat member2 yang tak paham tu :)



  1. like3.. xde button like kt sni so ayat pun jadi laa... thanks 4 the info..

  2. haha! welcome en perghh! ape lagi bagi la rating skitt :) cool ke funny ke interesting ke. :)
