Tuesday, May 31, 2011

coolest art painting ever!

Assalamualaikum! hello!

i hope you guys have a beautifull day today :) so do you guys interestd in art? melukis? mewarna? huhuh! if you do then you probably know what is 3D painting art is kan? i bet you guys mesti kagum seperti saya apabila melihat painting yang sangat sangat hebat seperti dibawah ini. i do appreciate art so i think 3D painting art memang gila gila best doe. since tak reti nak melukis tengok pun jadi lah. huhuh! here have a look painting that popping the eye :)

style isn't it? cool gila. it looks real to me :) memang salute ahh kat sape yang reti buat benda nie. here's the clip that shown the process of making 3D painting. watch it till end okayh before bla. thank you for visit my blog :)
love you guys! :)


im back!

Assalamualaikum! hye hye hye friends!

weee feel good to be back! ALHAMDULILLAH! i safely sampai ke johor dan safely return back to kj. haa! it was awesome walaupun abit headache dalam kereta bila bersama datok! HUHU! why? because he just can't stop giving arahan. HUHU! but bila fikir balik orang tua biasalah kan. i must say its require a lot of patient when you are in a car with him especially when you the one who drive the car. HAHA! so when we finally arrived in kulaijaya (umah pokcu), safiy amani menyambut kami dengan senyuman :) heee! sempat bermain dengan safiy amani seketika sahaja sebab she start crying bila datok cuba mengambilnya. HUHUH! so bila tak dapat maen dengan amani sy pun apa lagi cari bantal then belayar la ke alam mimpi. Zzzzzz :)

then after bangun, perform asar prayer i started to blank tak tahu nak buat apa since amani balik rumah neneknya di pontian, nenek and datok sambung tidur. HUHU! ape lagi lepak tengok tv je la then start maen xbox 360 pokcu. best gilaaaaa! HUHU! Thank god ade xbox if not im probably bored to death. HUHU! for those who have the xbox 360 sila la try maen this game http://halo.xbox.com/en-us. it was superb and definitely made my day so you guys should try to play it! pada kebesokkan harinya datok mengajak pergi ke kota tinggi untuk melihat makam sultan mahmud mangkat dijulang. huhu! so about 40mins from kulaijaya kami berjaya sampai di kg makam sultan. yea! so here's the tomb of sultan mahmud dan kerabatnya. 

ini dia makam sultan mahmud
The most prominent of these tombs is that belonging to Sultan Mahmud, the 10th ruler of the Johor Sultanate.
kaum kerabat sultan

so there's anyone know about sejarah sultan mahmud? orang dari johor mesti tau kan? HUHU! for those who didn't know, Sultan Mahmud was stabbed to death by Megat Seri Rama, a warrior when the Sultan was on his way to perform his Friday's prayer. The killing of Sultan Mahmud by Megat Seri Rama in 1699 was to seek revenge for the death of his pregnant wife, Dang Anum who was sentenced to death by Sultan Mahmud for eating his jackfruit. The tomb of Sultan Mahmud is known as Makam Sultan Mahmud Mangkat Dijulang because the Sultan was killed while he was being carried on a dais by his warriors. Before he drew his last breath, he cast a curse which forbade the sons of Bentan to touch the grounds of Kota Tinggi for lasts merely seven generations. If not, all of them will vomit blood to death. The Laksamana died as well as the sultan. until now people who still believe that the curse still exists and most Bentanese still feared to come to Kota Tinggi.

hmm tragis gila kan? HUHU! been wonder berapa keturunan dah agaknya keturunan laksamana bentan tu. after lpk makam we decided to jalan2 ke johor bharu but pusing punya pusing tak jumpa tempat makan yang nenek nak pergi so ape lagi shoot terus balik kulaijaya. huhu! so balik tu beli dvd kongsi and merong mahawangsa lepak tengok kat rumah dengan nenek and datok. sedih gila ann? nak wat cane pening jalan jb nie. huhu! pada pagi ahad, kami berangkat pergi ke rumah mak mokcu then after wedding terus shoot balik kL disebabkan datok memaksa kami pulang. pity nenek because tak sempat nak maen lame dengan safiy amani. huhuh! but seriously release dapat pulang ke rumah. home sweet home :D
safiy amani bersama nenek

see told you dia taknak dengan datok. HAHA!

sedey gila mukaa. HAHA!

si sepet


Friday, May 27, 2011

awayyy :)

Assalamualaikum! hello world :)

good  morning guyss! wake up sleepy head! huhuh! today sy akan melepak di jb until sunday i guess. HUHU! jadi driver jap. HUHU! so im not going to update my blog for 3days. just wanna drop by and say take care and have a nice weekend peeps :)
doa kan kami selamat pergi dan selamat pulang ye rakan rakan. semoga perjalanan kami berjalan lancar dan sempurna.amin! :)


Thursday, May 26, 2011

happy bday bapak!

Assalamualaikum! good afternoon!

today i would love to wish happy bday to my dad! bapak selamat hari lahir! semoga dipanjangkan umur dan dimurahkan rezeki! yeay! thanks for everything! :)
here the present for bapak. thanx to my best guy, bob and hafiz teman belikan hadiahh :)

yeahh! pen, wallet and belt. it was totally complete set. okayh mission accomplished! HAHA! after that, we went for a movie title Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides! it was awesomee! you guys should watch it. it was 11/10. HAHA! i hope ade lagi sambungan pirates of the caribbean nie :) finally after habis movie terus shoot balik uma and thank god bapak tak balik lagi. HUHU! so after dinner wish him bday then bagi hadiahh. he was really happy and i am very happy bila tengok dia senyummm :) HUHU!
i love you bapak! stay strong yea!

here's the trailer of pirates movie. go watch it guys! its worth every penny you spent on the movie :)


coolest taxi ever.

Assalamualaikum! hye hye.

watch this out! have you seen taxi driver yang kaya? here prove that taxi drivers were actly kaya lagi dari kita. HUHUH! btw jangan ternganga tengok tau :)


fuhh menangis nak bayar tambang.

audi terbaekkk!

this one paling best nak makan angin. HAHA!

haaaa! amacam? gila tak? HUHU! i've been wonder berapa la agaknya tambang kalau naek tu. taxi kat sini pun mahal nak mampus. fuhhh. gila gila. HAHA! agak2 korg la kalau cab biasa dari kelana jaya nak ke ou pun charge RM 7-10 kalau naek cab ceni berapa puluh hengget la die charge nak sampai ke ou? HAHA!



Assalamualaikum! hye2!

does anyone believe in karma? Karma is based on logic and based on what people say is an unavoidable consequence of our creations. When we create anything, we also create other things which might not be what we intended. in the other word is balasan. im not sure if you guys ever heard this before but i do. mak mak and nenek nenek selalu cakap " haaa derhaka la dengan orang tua, besok anak2 kau dua kali ganda derhaka dari pada kau. apa yang kita buat dalam dunia nie semua ada balasan. " HUHU! cuakk gak kekadang dengar. we can took example from what happen in nowdays, bemacam2 bencana yang datang like earthquakes, tsunami, flood, global warming and landslide. semua yang berlaku ni berpunca pada tindakan manusia sendiri terhadap bumi. if kita buat baik pada dunia pasti dia akan berbudi balik. contoh kita bercucuk tanam pasti membuahkan hasil yang menguntungkan. right? HUHU!

okayh have you noticed that usually they only focus on bad things, i mean macam dorg akan ckp kau buat la benda jahat pasti satu hari nanti kena balik kat batang hidup kau balik. betul tak? benda jahat je, jarang dengar untuk benda baik. tp biase la kan orang memang selalu focus kat benda jahat yang orang buat. ia fitrah manusia but for me, same goes to good things that we do (iklas dari hati) we will be rewarded for it oneday. tapi itulah yang pasti apa yang kita buat pasti ada balasan sama ada di atas dunia atau di akhirat kelak. HUHU! so peringatan untuk diri saya yang lemah ni besama rakan rakan janganlah menyakiti orang lain kalau anda tidak mahu disakiti. kita semua diadili dengan undang2 termasuk undang2 dari langit. sentiase beringat dunia tak seindah yang disangka mungkin hari ini kita berada diatas tapi tak semestinya besok kita masih diatas. my mom always remind me that no need to revenge, just sit and have a good life because those who hurt you will eventually screw up one day but if you are lucky, god will let you watch :)
Watch out for everything you do!

okayh lets enjoy this song from justin timberlake. layan sampai habis sebelum bla :)

what goes around comes around, what you give you will get it back :)


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

happy teachers day!

Assalamualaikum! hello rakan rakan :)

erm today post its gonna be about teachers! apa itu cikgu? cikgu/pensyarah? btw sometimes i get confused are lecturers can be categorized as teachers? HUHU. teacher is someone that we used to spend half of the day in every weekdays with. do you remember time kecik2 dulu, cikgu masuk je kelas ketua darjah mesti akan cakap 'bangunnnnnnn semua! seeelaaamaatt paagi cikguu!' dan kita yang tak berapa nak ketua ni akan mengikut je dengan penuh rase malas dan mengucapnya dengan lenggok yang paling panjang. HAHA! pastu before start belajar cikgu selalu check kuku and kelas sama ada bersih atau tidak. kalau kotor alamat kena bediri la semua. HAHA. at that time mmg tak suka ahh dengan cikgu, sikit2 nak punish kita. and if you did remember after je cikgu keluar dari class automatic class betukar jadi zoo. haaa lagi satu ingat tak time making your writing bigger than usual when the teacher says that you need to write an essay with a certain amount of pages. HAHA! betapa bangang nye la dulu kan? bila ingat balik rasa respect gila ahh ngan cikgu cikgu dulu. sabar je dengan perangai anak murid. for me, cikgu itu adalah seorang insan yang besemangat waja dan mempunyai sifat mulia. why? sebab dia still nak jadi cikgu even though gaji sikit and kena handle bermacam jenis budak. cool kan?

 haha! pernah je kantoi ceni time kecik2 dulu. HAHA.


teacher is someone important especially for a kid because besides ibu bapa, cikgu adalah orang yang paling lama bersama dengan kita. ye la dari start pukul 7.30am sampai la pukul 1.20pm. bagi yang islam, sambung pulak sekolah petang (agama) sampai kul 5.30pm. tak ke lama tuuu? kadang2 kalau kita ingat la time awal awal sekolah mereka juga lah yang bawa kita ke tandas. bersihkan kita after doing our 'business'. hahah! alhamdullilah sebab sy bukan salah seorg daripada mereka yang perlu cikgu bersihkan selepas ehem ehemmm. HAHA! so for me, they are like one of people that make us pandai, berjaya dan yakin pada diri kita sendiri. they are like a candle that give us light, show us way to be a successful person and more important how to be a good person :)

saya pernah bertanya to one of my best teachers, why he wants to be a teacher since he got all the qualification to be an engineer? plus it is not easy to make people especially a kid to understand things that we want to teach. lagi lagi benda yang complicated lagi la require so much patient. he smiled and answer me by saying that teaching is not what I do but it is who I am. It is apart of my everyday life. I am inspired by my students, friends and family who want the best for my students and children. You all are fuel to my soul and guide me in this amazing journey of teaching! i want to touch everyone's life and i want they to know that they all have a unique personality and surely boleh jadi orang yang berjaya. and at that moment i was like whoaaaaa! baiknya niatt. i am speechless. fyi, he actly inspire me to be good person dan dia tidak pernah sekali pun mengeluh. walau selembab mana student dia, dia tetap akan mengajar sampai budak tu paham. he shows us how much he cares about us, about the future. dia memang antara yang terbaik lah bagi saya. hahah bila dah besar baru la nak sedar betapa bagus nya cikgu nie. dulu cikgu macam musuh. hahah! :)

this one is for future teacher wanna be :)

this one is for my favorite teachers. thank you so much for have a faith in me and making me believe that i can do better!

terima kasih kepada semua cikgu yang diluar sana! terima kasih kerana telah membantu kami untuk berjaya. tanpa anda siapa lah kami and thanks for all knowledge that you have been shared with us! kepada yang otw jadi cigu, semoga berjaya! :)




words can make biggest change in your life. i believe that many of my life circumstances were direct result of my speaking patterns. i mean my word choices. Do you have an instance that a change of words can have a great impact in your life?! hurm words represent our thoughts, deeds, energy and focus. Words not only describe what you want to say but also change the way you think and feel in a positive way. sebab ape yang kita cakap or yang kita fikir sedikit sebanyak akan mempengaruhi minda kita. betul tak?

Choose your words carefully because the universe is listening. okayhh, do you ever have problems in the workplace?  if you do, what does the word "problem" represent?
  • i'm not in control
  • This circumstance is bigger than I am
  • i have no power
  • my life is stagnant
hmm how about this one? we switch the think from the problem to the challenge. i mean instead of think it as a problem, we take it as a challenge. How about “challenge”? What does this word represent? 
  • i choose to take this on
  • ohhh yeahhh! i have a puzzle to solve
  • i'm going to conquered this one
Do you see the difference? By choosing the right words that you use, you immediately put the control of your life back into your hand and make any situation more favorable for you.Which would you rather be? which one is better? take it as a problem or take it as a challenge?? It’s all up to you! your words will conquer your mind and your mind will conquer your attitude. 
okayh here's video that inspire me :)
use words wisely it may change your life :)

Monday, May 23, 2011

air zam zam.

Assalammualaikum! hello!
okay today post rase nak naik hangin sikit la. i just read article from bbc news yang mengatakan air zam zam contaminated. tak habis2 nak kacau islam la mereka ni. haishh. in that article, they claim that zam zam water is contaminated and poisonous drink. here the link for that article that i read. 

do they realize that Zam zam water has been drink by  billions of people around the world especially during the Hajj pilgrimage. tak mati punnnnnnnnn. plus siap bawak balik ke negara masing masing lagi. research from expert proved that Zam Zam water has an effect of removing toxins from the body thus making it helpful in speeding the process of curing cancer, food poisoning, burns, arthritis, eczema, thyroid dysfunction, mental confusion, high cholesterol, hypertension, give positive energy and many more. Zam Zam water has a vitality that no other water has. It is a healer in every disease. seeee da terbukti tau dakkk?! nak buat propaganda pun tak yah la nak kelakar sangat. HAHA! merepek2 je kafir laknatullah ni. here i provide you video about the miracle of zam zam water yang diperkatakan oleh Dr. Knut Pfeiffer yang buat research pasal air zam zam nie. its cool. ALHAMDULILLAH terbukti air zam zam kami bagus. kepada yang nak menjatuh kan islam boooooooooo! :D

berharap semoga mereka sedar akan kebodohan mereka satu hari nanti.


done updating new layout.


fuhhh finally settle gak layout nie.huhuhuh!
continue updating my blog peeps! alright. tired and need a rest now. good night! have a nice day!

lets enjoy this party rock anthem video clip before masuk tidur :)


print every thing :)

hey hey hey! sihat everyone? for those who just start cuti semester i wish happy semester break! to all member micet happy holiday and enjoy every second of it because naik je sem, you wont have time to playing around. you know what i mean assignments, mini projects, lab reports and so on. so make sure you gonna use every single day dengan benda yang best. alright? :)

okayh today post i would like to promote my uncle's printing shop. he just opened satu lagi cawangan named PRINT EVERY THING. its cool, cheap and cepat. you name it everything boleh. huhuh! baru seminggu bukak but alhamdullilah ramai yang kenal so order da dapat 10. not bad sebab kedai baru bukak seminggu. huhuh! actly sy sempat gak la jaga kedai tu 5 hari. at first sgt boring sbb org tak perasan lg kedai tu. pada hari ke 3 makhaii pelanggan ramai. semakk pale but it was fun blajar bnde baru. huhuh! my uncle buat design gak for wedding card, business card, banner, banting, baju, cap, bag and many more. for more info you can contact his number. 
Abdul Halim Othman 012-2761061
or maybe you can just come to the shop di Synergy Data Niaga, No 9, Ground Floor, Jalan Liter D U19/D, 47000 sungai buloh, selangor. ia berhampiran dengan econsave sg buloh try la ia sgt bebaloi :)

 okay you guys boleh la drop by nanti. 

 easy parking . murah . cepat . cun
