Saturday, March 26, 2011

behind of brutal me

Assalamualaikum! hey bloggie.
i have been known as a brutal or tomboy girl since i was in school. haha! In the age where most of my girlfriends start care about they reputation in school (lady like), i still playing with boys (berlari sana sini) haha! Most of my friends know that i love sport, hiking, futsal, paintball and all those outdoor activities but behind those crazy stuff i do, some people do not know that i really love the classic songs. blues. hahaha (-.-")
yahh i know its boring and "ketinggalan zaman" and most people in my age love justin timberlake, eminem, usher, rihanna, katy perry and so on.  Don't get me wrong i do love listening to justin bieber, katy perry, avril lavigne, usher and so on. Its not like i don't like pop, rock, ballad genre but for me classic is cool :) 

i love the remedy of the songs. huhu. WEIRD huh? well what to do "jiwa orang tua" hahaha. I enjoyed listening to bryan adam, abba, andy william, air supply, richard marx and etc. huhu! Funny right? i think my age should be 50 yrs old instead of 22 yrs old. hahah!
Here one of my favorite songs. Enjoy :)  
Nothing's gonna change by George Benson


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Grass is Always Greener On the Other Side of the Fence.

Finally, this is the last entry for blog assignment technical communication. The title that have been choose is The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. What does the sentences means? any idea? hmm it is means that we are often not satisfied what we have in life. In other word is "tak tahu bersyukur!". huhuh!

I do agree with this statement! We are human and human always tend to see other situations always seem better than the ones they are in. it is natural behavior of wanting things that belong to other people. Example which happened almost in Malay drama, housewife will tend to get jealous of their neighbor especially when their neighbor bought a new thing such as BMW car, she also wants to change her PROTON saga to a new brand car which same level to the BMW :)
can you imagine if the husband only a clerk while the neighbor husband is a CEO of the company?! haiyaaa. 

why do we want thing that we can't have? why can't we just satisfied with things that we have? hmm. For me, this kind of attitude can make our life miserable and sometimes it can make us work harder to achieved but it seems like it create more problem than benefits in our life. why we have to burden ourself just to fulfill our greediness? it is better for us to appreciate things that we had in front of us before we lose it while at the same time we must have ambition to get a better life. :)

with love,

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Great leader are not born, they are made!

Assalamualaikum! evening people. :)

A leader is a person who has vision, a drive and a commitment to achieve that vision, and the skills to make it happen and leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act towards achieving common goal. 

It is obvious that to be a great leader, all we need is skill and that skill are not something that we have since we were born. We have to build it in order to have the leadership behavior. Usually in company or country, the leader will hire their daughter or son as a heir or heiress to continue their leadership. Am I right? I don't think the leadership of their parent are as same as their daughter or son. If it is better , the company or the country are safe but what if the situation is vice versa? haha. You can think yourself the consequence.:) So in order to be a good leader, they must have :

  1. Honest
  2. Forward-Looking
  3. Competent
  4. Inspiring
  5. Intelligent
Always remember! Being a leader is not an opportunity for you to make other people suffer but to make sure the people you led had a brighter future.

Do not use the power you have to "Enter" in ruining someone's life!
To all leaders, this is a quote for you guys out there.

Lead and inspire people. Don’t try to manage and manipulate people. Inventories can be managed but people must be lead.
Ross Perot 


save your heart :)

Assalamualaikum! good morning to my dearest readers!have you guys breakfast?if you don't please do take your breakfast because it is one of good things for your health. especially for someone who's on DIET mode :)

here some practice that we should do to save our heart from heartbroken.

  • never expect.
  • never demand.
  • never assume.
  • your limits.
  • where to stand.
  • your role.
  • get affected.
  • get jealous.
  • get paranoid.
  • go with the flow.
  • stay happy.
  • smile while you still have a teeth.
with love,

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Different than others.

Assalamualaikum! hye there. 
Here is a clip which for me an inspiring advertisement from Pantene commercial. It is has a good moral values than the message for their product. its only take 4 minutes of your busy time to watch it :)

There are many type of person in this world, some of them might be just like the girl with the violin and some of them might be just like the girl with the piano. So what type are you? hmmm most people are too scared to go after their dreams because they are afraid of what people may say if they fail to achieve their dream and people tend to do things that common to them and try to blend in so that they wont be seen as an 'alien' to others. Sometimes they are worried to much, worry if they be different than others people will make fun of them. Also there are some people that cannot see others happy or advance than them. ish2. why they must being such a pain in the $%$ to others? why cant they just be happy for other happiness. i just don't get it. huhuh. 

Dear readers, do not be afraid to be different from others because in this world we must be different to succeed. you do not achieve success by lucky, you achieve success by work hard. so while most of the people are sleeping, you must awake to go after your dream and while people spend their times watching television, you must spending yours for study. the benefits you got from that, is while people are on their way to the top, you are already on the top. get it? if you dont never mind. huhu. so don't be afraid to be different. Do whatever you wanna do! as long as you don't make things that harm people then its good. One thing for sure, if you do not go after your dream, your dream will not go after you.  Lets strive for the best, be more confident and different. Do not worry about the haters because i believe that haters do not hate you, actually they hate themselves because you are a reflection of what they wish to be. ngee :D

to the haters out there, please stop judging people and stop being hater because there is no reason to be haters. plus not everyone likes you either so lets make this world a better place to live for me and for you. just like crayons, some are dull, some are sharp, some are bright, some have weird names but still they all learned to live together in the same box. why cant we? :)

-Quote for today- 
People won't respect you if you trying to be like them. People will respect you if you choose to be what you are.

with love,

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Present for them :)

Evening people!

Have you ever thought of giving a precious presents for your parent?? Every year when it comes to mothers day, fathers day or our parent's anniversary, i wonder what kind of present should i give to them. Jewelry?, brand new hand phone? The main thing is that i will buy the present with the money they gave to me. haha. So from now on, i promise to work harder and earn more and more money so that i can give them luxury present on every special occasion. First thing as a present, i will buy a  luxury house.

with addition of swimming pool. :)

nice one! :)

oh and of course a car for them.:)

Audi A4 for them. :)

OK. Complete set for them. House and car. But are they satisfied with the present?? I will grow older from year to year so do my parent. So whose gonna use that large swimming pool or whose gonna drive that luxury car?? Hmm.. So what kind of present do they actually deserved? When i am busy with my work and my parent are sick at that 'luxury' house, are that 'luxury' car useful for them at that time? It is hard when thinking of this kind of situation especially when we are apart from them. 

So the best present that i can think now is:
  • Pray for their healthy
  • Make them happy
  • Always remember them
So guys. What kind of present do you wish to give? 


Pluto isnt a planet anymore.

Assalamulaikum! Good Morning peeps!

This entry i would love to share my interest about our 9th planet in solar system. Our solar system is filled with a wide variety of celestial bodies example the Sun, our eight planets, dwarf planets and asteroids plus on Earth, life itself! The inner solar system is occasionally visited by comets that loop in from the outer reaches of the solar system on highly oval orbits. Still farther out, we eventually reach the limits of the heliosphere, where the outer reaches of the solar system interact with interstellar space. Solar system formation began billions of years ago, when gases and dust began to come together  and explode to form the Sun, planets and other bodies of the solar system.  

As we have been told our solar system consist of 9 planets which  Pluto was the last one, known as the smallest planet in the solar system and the ninth planet from the sun. but today, Pluto its not one of planets in our solar system anymore. In 2006, a convention of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) decided that there should be a formal definition for the word 'planet'. To be a planet, a celestial body ought to be able to possess certain characteristics. Unfortunately for Pluto, it did not get the pass marks in all the required criteria and hence was relegated to being a ' dwarf planet'. A dwarf planet orbits the sun just like other planets but it is smaller. The criteria that the IAU wanted every celestial body to meet were.
  • The body must have its orbit around the Sun.
  • It should be spherical by the merit of its own gravitational force. Meaning, its gravity should be able to pull itself into a shape which is spherical.
  • It should be the biggest, most gravitationally dominant planet in its own orbit.
The IAU ruled that Pluto doesn't qualify the third criterion and it does not qualify as a planet. So unfortunately for Pluto and its founder, Clyde W. Tombaugh, Pluto is NOT a planet. It is now officially a 'dwarf planet'.

On average, Pluto is more than 3.6 billion miles (5.8 billion kilometers) away from the sun. That is about 40 times as far from the sun as Earth. At its closest point to the sun Pluto is still billions of miles away. According to astronomers, Pluto is in a region called the Kuiper (KY-per) Belt. Thousands of small, icy objects like Pluto are in the Kuiper Belt. Pluto is slightly smaller than Earth's moon. It takes Pluto 248 years to go around the sun. One day on Pluto is about 6 1/2 days on Earth. Pluto is very, very cold. The temperature on Pluto is 375 to 400 degrees below zero. 

As a result, Pluto is covered with ice and its death planet. Pluto has about one-fifteenth the gravity of Earth. A person who weighs 100 pounds on Earth would weigh only 7 pounds on Pluto. wow that means my weight only 43kg. 'kurus betul'. huhuh! so here, we only have 8 planets in our solar system. to those who sad for their Pluto being throw out from solar system chill okay because there are many planets in the universe be discovered. wanna more info Google 'em on NASA website. do you think our sun is bigger than anything? hmm here, have a look :)

see how magnificent and huge our universe are. Fuhh credit for our creator. Alhamdullilah :) 


with love,

Students Election!

Assalamualaikum! whats up peeps? :)
i hoped you guys have a great day today because mine not so great laa. ohh ya have you done your homework? if you don't, what are you waiting for? get up and start doing it. Alhamdullilah i managed to complete my C++ assignment today and it was totally ruined my mood today. gosh how can someone so interested in this programming things? huh. <tak paham betul.> okay2 now is time to settle up technical communication assignment. so compulsory title for this week is students must vote for students election because.... 
Frankly speaking me myself do not get a chance to vote for  the election of JPM  last month. so i wanted to congrats for those who made it to the top five, wish you guys can be a good leader, take your job seriously and responsible. Hope they won't let down their supporters. All the best okay. Many times of election, there are still people asking, “Why do we need to vote for Election?”. They all have the same answer that nothing will happen if they vote. I cannot blame all the people thinking about this because there are no doubt about certain people that only compete for their own benefit. but stop complaining and think for a while if you do not vote or choose to sell your vote, you are losing the chance. the chance to stand up for the right people. 
Especially for students, students should start to vote and learn how to choose a good leader among them. Student are the next generation who will rule the world so they should support the democratic structure by continue voting.  If a majority of students choose not to vote, democracy might become a thing of the past and replaced by another form of government that might prove more elitist in nature. To vote means that you believe in the democratic process and will participate in it to represent your right to freedom of speech.  On the other hand, student will learn how to make the most important decision by not thinking of themselves but also for the whole students in campus. It is they responsibility to act right on what they believe and not because of the influence or popularity. so to have better future in campus and student's right being protected,  better for them to stand voting because it helps a lot. so for the voters be proud of yourself because you are given the chance to vote for the right! :)

with love,