Assalamualaikum! hye hye hye friends!
weee feel good to be back! ALHAMDULILLAH! i safely sampai ke johor dan safely return back to kj. haa! it was awesome walaupun abit headache dalam kereta bila bersama datok! HUHU! why? because he just can't stop giving arahan. HUHU! but bila fikir balik orang tua biasalah kan. i must say its require a lot of patient when you are in a car with him especially when you the one who drive the car. HAHA! so when we finally arrived in kulaijaya (umah pokcu), safiy amani menyambut kami dengan senyuman :) heee! sempat bermain dengan safiy amani seketika sahaja sebab she start crying bila datok cuba mengambilnya. HUHUH! so bila tak dapat maen dengan amani sy pun apa lagi cari bantal then belayar la ke alam mimpi. Zzzzzz :)
then after bangun, perform asar prayer i started to blank tak tahu nak buat apa since amani balik rumah neneknya di pontian, nenek and datok sambung tidur. HUHU! ape lagi lepak tengok tv je la then start maen xbox 360 pokcu. best gilaaaaa! HUHU! Thank god ade xbox if not im probably bored to death. HUHU! for those who have the xbox 360 sila la try maen this game it was superb and definitely made my day so you guys should try to play it! pada kebesokkan harinya datok mengajak pergi ke kota tinggi untuk melihat makam sultan mahmud mangkat dijulang. huhu! so about 40mins from kulaijaya kami berjaya sampai di kg makam sultan. yea! so here's the tomb of sultan mahmud dan kerabatnya.
The most prominent of these tombs is that belonging to Sultan Mahmud, the 10th ruler of the Johor Sultanate.
kaum kerabat sultan
so there's anyone know about sejarah sultan mahmud? orang dari johor mesti tau kan? HUHU! for those who didn't know, Sultan Mahmud was stabbed to death by Megat Seri Rama, a warrior when the Sultan was on his way to perform his Friday's prayer. The killing of Sultan Mahmud by Megat Seri Rama in 1699 was to seek revenge for the death of his pregnant wife, Dang Anum who was sentenced to death by Sultan Mahmud for eating his jackfruit. The tomb of Sultan Mahmud is known as Makam Sultan Mahmud Mangkat Dijulang because the Sultan was killed while he was being carried on a dais by his warriors. Before he drew his last breath, he cast a curse which forbade the sons of Bentan to touch the grounds of Kota Tinggi for lasts merely seven generations. If not, all of them will vomit blood to death. The Laksamana died as well as the sultan. until now people who still believe that the curse still exists and most Bentanese still feared to come to Kota Tinggi.
hmm tragis gila kan? HUHU! been wonder berapa keturunan dah agaknya keturunan laksamana bentan tu. after lpk makam we decided to jalan2 ke johor bharu but pusing punya pusing tak jumpa tempat makan yang nenek nak pergi so ape lagi shoot terus balik kulaijaya. huhu! so balik tu beli dvd kongsi and merong mahawangsa lepak tengok kat rumah dengan nenek and datok. sedih gila ann? nak wat cane pening jalan jb nie. huhu! pada pagi ahad, kami berangkat pergi ke rumah mak mokcu then after wedding terus shoot balik kL disebabkan datok memaksa kami pulang. pity nenek because tak sempat nak maen lame dengan safiy amani. huhuh! but seriously release dapat pulang ke rumah. home sweet home :D
safiy amani bersama nenek
see told you dia taknak dengan datok. HAHA!
sedey gila mukaa. HAHA!
si sepet
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