Thursday, June 30, 2011

suratan atau kebetulan.

hmm begitu sukar untuk memujuk diri dengan sesuatu ketentuan. ya ia sesuatu yang harus dilakukan tapi ia sukar untuk dilaksanakan jika hati tidak merelakan. ngee. telah diperkatakan ketingggian iman itu ialah sabar dengan hukum Allah dan rela dengan takdir Allah. tapi mengapa masih tidak redha dengan apa yang telah berlaku. Bukankah itu sudah suratan dariNya. Mahu menentang? Fikirkanlah sendiri siapalah kita. terasa seksa bila hari ini kita menganggap bahawa kita telah diuji dengan sebesar-besar cubaan dariNya, apakah kita tidak terfikir bahawa lebih ramai lagi manusia lain yang mengalami seperti apa yang kita rasa. haih sedarlah kita bukannya hidup seorang diri. ramai yang diuji cuma perlu kuat kan diri menempuh segala yang diberi. sabarlah duhai hati, bangkitlah wahai diri, suratan atau kebetulan pilihan harus ditentukan. HUHU! apa yang pasti, benda yang berlaku pasti bersebab allah tidak akan melakukan sesuatu yang sia sia. hmm, perkuatkan diri untuk menempuhi segala yang dijanji. tiada sesiapa yang boleh membantu diri sendiri kalau bukan kita sendiri. hmm. tak pasti mengapa tapi lagu ini sesuatu yang begitu penting pada suatu ketika dulu. HUHU! layann jap jum :)


thank you!

Assalammualaikum! hello you :)

dear you,

thank you for everything that you gave to me! thank you for the love, thank you for the support, thank you for just being you, thank you for the light that you showed me, thank you for the faith that you got in me, thank you for always believe in me, thank you for the advice, thank you for always be there, thank you for the care, thank you for the time that you have spent for me, thank you for always seeing the best side of me, thank you for your patience towards me, thank you for your kindness and the most important thing is thank you so much for allowing me being me when i'm with you (accept me for who i am). i was blessed because of you. i am grateful to have you in my life. i know saying thank you wasn't enough compare to what have you done for me but this is the least thing i could do to show my appreciation towards you :)


*glad* surrounded by great people like you :)


Saturday, June 25, 2011


Assalammualaikum! hyee.

it is true that sometimes promises are hard to keep. some people say that promises are made to be broken. true huh? but if you have no intention to make the promise come true then why bother to make them? right? HUHU! haihh but that's apart of life, people tend to make promises when they are happy i mean when they are in a good situation. example: we make promises bila kita terlepas dari sesuatu bala. ('thanks dude for helping me out! i promise you i will do the same when you need me.') tapi bila kita da senang member susah adakah kita salah seorang yang berusaha untuk menghulurkan tangan untuk mereka gapai? the question is bape orang je yang datang offer tangan nak tolong? 

'i promise to make it done by tomorrow!' behind this line how many people do you think that will get it done as they promised? tak ya cakap orang la kita pun macam tu gak kan? we promise ourselves that we will finish up homework before the dateline but did we done it time awal2 dapat kerja or last minute br buat? tapi time awal2 semua bukan main cakap i'll promise to myself that i will keep my work done before dateline. HUHU! the truth is memang tak ahh kan? 'i promise i won't tell anybody! i'll keep my mouth shutt!' yahhh right. eventually only 10% of people that can keep the secret until they die. 90% lagi? haaa sendiri fikir ahh. :) next day, the whole street kecohh pasal rahsia hang. HUHU!

'i promise i won't do it again!' how many times did we promise to ourselves, our parents, our friends not to repeat things that we did that make them mad? did we really meant for what we promise? or we just want they to forgive and stop being mad that is why we make promises? yeahh i guess we just want them to stop membebel sebab tu kita promise kott. HAHA! thats why we end up doing the same mistake and breaking up our promises kan? HUHU!

and for muslims 'yaallah! i promise that i will be a better me and will repent for all sin that i've done! but please help me solve this problem yaallah!' how many times we fool ourselves with this empty promises just to believe that things will work out after we perform doa or prayer? don't we all aware that allah maha mengetahui atas segala galanya sama ada yang zahir mahupun yang batin? HUHU! 'i promise that i will always love you!' ni paling banyak dengar lagi time bercinta. HAHA! hmm been wondering, are these promises really meant for forever? dude! besides family(love) and allah there is nothing eternal or forever in this world. people will change so do the feelings. right?

bak kata nenek saya, kita harus berpegang kepada janji. kalau tak mampu jangan gatal berjanji. but if you really really really believe that you can keep it as you promise then tabik springg ahhh kat anda!good job! :) so untuk manusia yang rasa nak sangat berjanji, you must be decisive to keep that promise, especially if someone awaits for that promise or holds onto that promise. you know why? promises are worse than lies because you don't just make them believe, you also make them hope for something that you're not sure that you can fulfill them. jangan sakitkan orang kalau tak nak disakiti. HUHU! alright thanx for lepak-ing here. do it often okay :) will do appreciate it!

* this entry are meant for me. otak terhentak tadi so abit tersedar dengan kekurangan diri. HUHU! just need to express kekecewaan terhadap diri sendiri. ohh ya remember let your yes mean yes and your no mean no :)


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

complete package :)

Assalammualaikum! hye hye!


thank you so much for dropping by guys! really appreciate it! fuhh! keep on visit this blog okay :) HUHU! alright now lets join me enjoy the beauty of allah creation (sami yusuff) hehe and at the same time memuji kebesaran allah dengan membaca asma ul husna. there you go complete package! HUHU! i don't know why this version macam mendayu dayu. best! HUHU! dengar sampai habis okayh then tidur :)

Sami Yusuf - Asma Allah


good night! have a nice sleep guys! ty and please come lepak here always :)


Saturday, June 18, 2011

hari bapa sedunia!

Assalammualaikum! hello to bapak, daddy, papa, ayah, abbi, walid and father!

first of all, i would love to wish all father out there happy father's day! without you guys we wouldn't exist in this world! ty ty ty ty soooo much :) alright! i don't know why but it seems to me that hari ibu lebih meriah berbanding hari bapa. perasan tak??! HUHU! erm it probably because we only well awared about mother's love rather than fathers. ye la bapak selalunya sentiase appear tough, garang, tegas rather than mak yang sentiase kelihatan penyayang, cool, memahami, dan mudah untuk bertolak ansur. right? yes i know tak semua begitu ada yang mak bersikap tegas, garang dan bapa bersikap sebaliknya but mostly yang kita ketahui memang begitu. kita sering menelefon ke rumah apabila berjauhan dari parents bukan? perasan tak everytime bapa yang mengangkat telefon kte mesti akan berkata 'assalamualaikum bapak! mak ada? nak cakap dengan mak jap!'. i am very sure that situation seperti ini sentiasa berlaku kepada kita. HAHA! (sebab haku pun buat gak ceni.huhu!) 

i mean we always make mum as our priority compare to dad. even ada problem pun we prefer to talk or bincang dengan mak. yela mungkin mum always be a good listener while dad always be a good talker. it always been easier to talk to mum compared to dad. tapi bila fikir balik tak ke kita macam berat sebelah? the one who we always missing bila berjauhan mesti mak bapak pasti menjadi number 2. HUHU! but the truth is no matter how we ignore the fact that sometimes the situation not always seems like what we see. although dad were tough on us but actually dad love us as much as mum do.  yes a father want his children to be perfect (cannot do this cannot do that), to be good at everything and perhaps he ask for something that he could be proud of one day which is abit more hard to achieve and eventually menjadikan kita stress. 

tapi cuba kita fikir seketika andai katalah dulu dia tak menyuruh kita buat sesuatu yang baik dengan tegas, adakah kita akan melakukannya? confirm ahh tak kan? contoh bapak suh belajar if tak belajar kena rotan confirm kita belajar tapi kalau dia buat donno je kompem kita lagi la buat tak tahu and end up jadi penyangak la jawabnya. betul ak? mungkin nampak mereka lebih bekeras berbanding mak tapi sebenarnya dia nak yang terbaik untuk kita. cuma mungkin kita time tu tak faham apa yang dia cuba lakukan sebab kita tak da dalam situasi dia. (ye la time tu pun kita pk nak main je. mane nak faham. HUHU!) haa jum kita baca article yang menghayat hati nurani kat bawah nie jum mungkin after this kita faham apa yang kurang kita faham selama ni. HUHU!

kebiasaannya anak-anak yg berjauhan dari orang tuanya pasti akan merindu mama mereka.

tetapi bagimana dengan ayah?

Mungkin kerana mama lebih sering menanyakan keadaan anaknya setiap hari .tapi taukah kamu jika ayahmu yg mengingatkannya untuk menelifonmu?

Mungkin mama yang sering mengajak kamu untuk bercerita, tetapi taukah kamu sepulangnya dia dari bekerja dgn wajah letih dia selalu menanyakan khabarmu dari mama mu?

waktu kecil..

ayah mengajari puteri kecilnya bermain basikal. Setelah dia merasakan kamu boleh dia melepaskan roda bantuan dari basikal kamu, saat itu mama menutup mata sambil berdoa akan keselamatan puteri kecilnya kerana takut terjatuh lalu terluka. tetapi ayah dengan yakin menatapmu mengayuh basikal dengan perlahan kerana dia tahu puteri kecilnya pasti boleh melakukannya. Saat kamu menangis meronta meminta mainan yang baru, mama menatapmu hiba, tetapi ayah mengatakan dengan tegas "kita beli nanti, tapi tidak sekarang" kerana dia tidak ingin kamu menjadi manja dengan semua tuntutan yang selalu di penuhinya.

ketika kamu remaja

kamu mula meminta kebenaran untuk keluar malam. Lalu ayah mula bersikap lebih tegas ketika mengatakan "tidak". itu kerana mahu menjagamu kerana kamu adalah sesuatu yg terlalu berharga buatnya. Lalu kamu masuk ke bilik sambil menutup pintu dengan kuat untuk menunjukkan bahawa kamu protes dengan keputusannya. Tapi yang datang mengetuk pintu dan memmujuk mu adalah mama. Taukah kamu saat itu dia memejamkan matanya dan menahan diri kerana dia sangat ingin mengikuti keinginanmu akan tetapi dia harus menjagamu.

saat kamu mempunyai teman lelaki yang sering datang mencarimu, ayah akan memasang wajah paling cool didunia. Dan sesekali cuba mendengar atau mengintip saat kamu sedang berdua di ruang tamu. Tahukah kamu dia merasa cemburu?

dan saat dia melonggarkan sedikit peraturan kamu mula melanggar peraturan malamnya. dia duduk di ruang tamu menunggu mu pulang dengan sangat risau. Wajah risau itu mengeras ketika melihat puteri kecilnya pulang terlalu lewat. Dia marah kerana saat yang dikhuatirinya akhirnya datang "puteri kecilnya sudah tiada lagi."

saat ayah sedikit memaksamu utk menjadi seorang doktor. Ketahuilah bahawa ia hanya memikirkan masa depanmu nanti. Tetapi dia tetap tersenyum saat pilihanmu adalah menjadi seorang penulis.

sampai saat ayah harus melepasmu ke universiti. Bahkan badannya terlalu kaku utk memelukmu. Ia hanya tersenyum sambil memberi nasihat ini-itu. Dia ingin menangis seperti mama yg menangis dan memelukmu erat. Tp dia hanya menghapus sedikit air mata di sudut matanya dan menepuk bahumu dengan berkata "jaga diri baik2". Agar kamu kuat untuk pergi.

saat kamu perlukan wang untuk membiayai yuran semester dan kehidupanmu, orang pertama yang mengerutkan dahinya adalah ayah. Beliau terus berusaha mencari jalan agar anaknya boleh merasa sama dengan yang lain. ketika permintaanmu bukan lg sekadar meminta permainan baru dan ia tau ia tidak boleh memberikan. Dia sangat ingin mengatakan "iya nak, nanti kita beli" dan saat kata2 yg keluar adalah "tak boleh" dari bibirnya. Tahukah kamu dia merasa gagal membuat anaknya tersenyum.

saat kamu sakit dan tidak berada di dekat dengannya. ayah terlalu risau sampai kadang kadang sedikit membentak berkata "sudah diberitahu jangan minum air sejuk!". berbeza dengan mama yg memperhatikanmu dgn lembut. ketahuilah saat itu dia benar benar risau tentang keadaanmu.

dan di saatnya nanti kamu berjaya sebagai seorang sarjana. ayah adalah org pertama yg berdiri dan memberi tepukan tangan untuk mu. Dia yg tersenyum bangga dan puas melihat "puteri kecilnya yg tidak manja boleh membesar dengan dewasa dan telah menjadi seseorang yang berjaya."

sampai saat seorang teman hidupmu datang dan meminta izin mengambilmu darinya. ayah akan sangat berhati2 memberikan keizinan kerana dia tahu lelaki itu yang nanti akan menggantikannya dan saat ayah melihat mu duduk di majlis pernikahanmu bersama seseorang yang dianggap boleh menggantikannya. ayah pergi ke belakang dan menangis "tugasku telah selesai dengan baik. puteri kecilku yg lucu telah menjadi wanita yg cantik!"

ayah hanya bisa menunggu kedatanganmu dan cucu2nya sesekali utk menjenguknya. Dgn rambut yg telah memutih dan badan yg tak lagi kuat utk menjagamu dari bahaya. ayah adalah seorang yg harus selalu kelihatan kuat walaupun ketika itu dia tidak kuat untuk tidak menangis. Harus kelihatan tegas walaupun pada saat itu dia ingin memanjakanmu. ayah juga orang pertama yg selalu yakin bahawa "kamu mampu" dalam segala hal. dia akan sentiasa tersenyum dan ketahuilah bahawa kamu harus bersyukur ketika kamu boleh merasakan kasih syg seorang ayah hingga tugasnya selesai. ingatlah kamu adalah salah satu orang yg beruntung kerana tidak semua orang yang dilahirkan mendapat kasih sayang atau melihat ayah mereka sewaktu mereka mula mahu mengenal dunia. 

ingatlah kepada bapa yang telah membanting tulang untuk menyediakan segala keperluan kita, agar kita juga bersekolah seperti yang lain, agar kita dapat melanjutkan pengajian ke tahap yang lagi tinggi dan supaya akan datang kita mempunyai masa depan yang cerah. bersyukur kerana kita masih mampu melihatnya berbanding mereka yang tidak mendapat kasih sayang seorang bapa. hargai mereka sementara kita mempunyai masa bersama. huhu. marilah kita panjatkan doa agar kepada yang masih hidup agar mereka dirahmati allah, sentiasa sihat dan agar dipermudahkan segala urusan mereka. kepada yang telah pergi, doakanlah agar mereka diredhai dan digolongkan dikalangan orang orang yang beriman. amin! 
dear bapak, 
yeah i know we (along, angah, alia and aush) always on the phone with mak, we tell her everything but we tell you nothing and we know you probably terasa sometimes but the truth is there's a lot of things that we don't tell you but that doesn't mean that we don't love or wanted to hurt you it just could be easier not just to tell you so you won't worry to much. it always been more easier to be honest with mak dari bapak sebab kitorang tau bapak abit tegas and if we are arguing with you kitorang memang tak kan menang and end up sakit hati. HUHU! but one thing you should know that kitorang sangat berterima kasih kerana mendidik kami dengan tegas so that we all know what we shouldn't and what should do in our life. tysm! we really love you so much cuma kami tak tunjuk je ;) HUHU!


good explanation for non muslim

Assalamualaikum! hello readers :)

i wanna share something quite awesome article (article ke?HUHU!). it is really good in explaining why we (muslim) must eat halal food and why we can't eat pork, bacon or ham (a pig la senang cite). this picture above will explain why in term of scientific. i am sure it helps non muslim or a muslim to understand more about this issue. no offence okay.    

very interesting huh? so after this korg da boleh explain da kat member2 yang tak paham tu :)


Friday, June 17, 2011

result :/

Assalamualaikum! hey hey hey!

it's been a week since my last entry for this blog. huhu! agak busy sedikit melayan family dan rakan-rakan :) so how life treat you lately? is it good? i hope korang semua ceria dan bahagia disamping yang tersayang and semestinya sihat walafiat! amin! alright today topic will be about.... 

haaa! since last week semua orang kecohh habis pasal result keluar until now. so apa lagi mehh ahh share result! HAHA! i believe most of us surely jantung rasa nak tercabut time nak tengok result. HUHU! macam saya jari jemari menggeletar nak masukkan id and password untuk cek result. satu badan seram sejuk. HAHA! its funny because time nak exam tak la rase menggeletar satu badan. relax je rasa. HAHA! betul ak? lagi2 time last paper. otak semua fikir nak balik nak balik je. ada tu otak da sampai kat rumah da padahal badan masih dalam dewan peperiksaan. lepas keluar je dari dewan peperiksaan punya la suka menjerit tak ingat dunia. HAHA! tapi time nak cek result boleh lak kita menggeletar kan? pelik tapi itu lah kebenarannya. HUHUH! 

inilah reaksi yang selalu saya lakukan.hahah!

so what do you get? an A+? B+? C+? above 3.5? 4.0? if you do, congrats!! but for those who don't get what you expect to get, sy mahu juga mengucapkan tahniah kepada anda. why? sebab awak da berusaha keras untuk mendapatkannya cuma mungkin bukan rezeki kita. insyaallah akan datang pasti berjaya :) er er result sy? haha! erm it was okayh. HUHU! er sejujurnya im not really satisfied with it! but although the result abit menurun dari semester sebelumnya sy masih bersyukur kerana sy masih boleh meneruskan pelajaran. ngeee :) alhamdullilah! so for that, I want to thank all my friend who helped me and taught me patiently sampailah sy faham perkara2 yang mengelirukan sy. HUHU! you guys so awesomee! thank you very very much for all the knowledge that you shared with me yaa! 

tysm girls :)

here some motivation for me and for you.
  • to be grateful, kita harus melihat kepada mereka yang berada dibawah dan for us to succeed, kita harus melihat mereka yang berada diatas.
  • jangan melihat apa yang telah kamu usahakan tetapi lihatlah apa yang belum kamu selesaikan.
  • the greater the struggle, the more rewarding the result will be. insyaallah :)
* hopefully kita semua akan berjaya didunia mahupun diakhirat. amin amin yaarabalaa'lamin!


Saturday, June 11, 2011

set your priorities.


have you ever felt like you don't have enough time to settle down everything around you? stress cause to many thing in your life that you have to handle it by yourself? and sometimes rasa da tak larat sangat da sebab banyak sangat benda yang kena pk? serabut tak tau settle kan yang mana dulu? haa relax ok? tarik nafas hembus. tarikkkk hembussss. okay lets read story kat bawah ni perhaps it can helps to motivate you as it works for me :)

A philosophy professor enter his class with some items and put it on table. the items are empty mayonnaise jar, 2inch rocks, a box of batu kerikil and a box of sand. the students have no clue what are the items relate in their subject. while the student berbisik antara mereka, the professor bersuara...

prof : there's anyone know what are these items for?
students : erm noooooooo.
prof : okayh let me show you what is all about. 

the professor picked up the large empty mayonnaise jar and started to fill it with the 2 inch rocks sampai tak muat. then he asked the students if the jar was full. the student agreed. so tanpa melengahkan masa lagi, the professor picked up a box with batu kerikil and poured them into the same jar. after that, the professor menggoncang the jar slowly and of course the pebbles (batu kerikil) will rolled into ruang kosong between the rocks. again he asked the student whether the jar is full and the students shout out loud 'yes it is!'. without looking the student, the professor continue fill the jar with a box of sand and goncang sikit so that the sand will fill ruang ruang kosong yang ade. he asked once again 'are the jar full student?'. the students respond with a unanimous 'yesss!'

then the professor begin to speak. okayhh, now i want you to assume that this jar represents your life. where the rocks are the important things in your life such as your family, your health, your friends, your partner which things that if everything else was lost, they will remained and your life would still be full. the pebbles represents other things that matter example your job, your house, your car, money and the sand is represents everything else i mean every little thing in your life. the small stuff. lets think this way, if you put the sand into the jar first, there is no room for pebbles and the rocks. agree? yaa same goes for your life. if you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. pay attention more to the things that brings you happiness. such as hangout with your family and friends more, take your partner out to dinner or dancing or vacation and spend more time for yourself to rest so you can be healthy. don't worry about other things. there will always be time to go to work, clean the house, pay the bills and other things yang perlu diselesaikan. 

the main point here is take care the rocks first which things that really matter for you and the rest will follow. first set your priorities and you will know the rest is just sand. but remember the priorities that you set today might be completely different for a couple of months from now because in life everything constantly changes no thing will remain the same. no worries, that's totally fine because when we grow up, we will improve, we get smarter and get a deeper understanding of life as we live. but no matter how your life changes you still must have that framework that will keep you together and will help you to standstill when face life hurricanes. insyaallah! you are the owner of your life and only you can decide what is important and what is not. faham? HUHU! lets make life better than before and always remember to smile :) have a nice day! 


Monday, June 6, 2011

feel good!

Assalamualaikum! hello bloggie :)

erghhh im addicted to blackshot! HUHU! btw blackshot tu sejenis game ye. HAHA! siapa yang kaki game mungkin tau. bestt doee. HUHU! kepada sesape yang mahu main jum ahh join layan blackshot nahh gi register and buat account anda. and i am probably gonna spend most of my time today layan game nie. hahah! because i don't feeling like doing anything else just wanna sit on my room and playing blackshott. weeee! so i hope you guys ada benda yang lagi best dan sehat untuk mengisi masa lapang ye! but if you don't you can come join me in blackshot. HAHA! have a nice day peeps! 
thanx for droping by! layan lagu nie sampai abis ok? take care!

ohh yaa don't forget to smile okay :)


Saturday, June 4, 2011

are we grateful enough?

Assalamualaikum! hey hey readers!

how was your day today? is it good? everything follow according to your plan? if it does, good for you but if it don't, don't be upset because sometimes things just don't go as planned. its normal. yeahh i know how you feel because me myself sangat tak suka when things doesn't work out the way it should be. but look on the bright side, when it happend it surely show us that tak semua benda yang kita rencana kan akan berjalan lancar and mengingatkan kita bahawa kita hanya insan yang kerdil disisi-NYA. chill ok? :)


hmm im sure most of people agree that being grateful is important if we want a positive and happy life. being grateful makes us see the bright side of life that eventually turns us into positive people. agree? hmm but sometimes easy said than done right? cakap je grateful tapi hati tak pun. betul ak? so are we grateful enough for what we have? yes it is a natural human instinct to always want more and always don't take a step back to appreciate what we already have. because human tend to forget and often look at what we don't have instead of what we have and end up complaining rather than grateful. my mum always remind me that always compare yourself with people who are unfortunate than us because it will make us realize how lucky we are and be grateful for what we have in front of us now. don't take things and people around you for granted because we may not know how long they will be with us. 

yea adakalanya kita akan terasa down dengan life kita dan merungut, like you don't get what you want, balik rumah parents asik membebel, kita tak kaya, tak dapat kereta or motor mewah dari parents macam orang lain, kita tak cantik seperti superstar, tak dapat makan pizza, spaghetti sebab mak asik masak ayam ikan je and many more. but before you complaining you should think that alhamdullilah la we can still hear our parents membebel and the fact that we still have parents compared to orphaned child, walaupun kita tak kaya but still kita tak merempat tidur ditepi jalan, walaupun tak dapat kereta or motor mewah kita masih mempunyai kenderaan untuk begerak compared to orang yang berjalan kaki untuk ke sana ke mari, we can consider ourself is beautiful compared to someone yang kurang upaya and walaupun tak dapat makan mewah kita tak kebulur seperti orang yang kurang bernasib baik. 

there is always something for us to be grateful. can you imagine losing some of things that you take for granted example rumah, your ability to hear or to see, ability to walk, your family or your closefriends or perhaps anything that currently gives you comfort in life? masyaallah. nauzubillahiminzaliq. bukan anda sahaja, saya pun pernah berada dalam situasi sebegitu. now i regret it HUHU!

hmmm for the past one week until today i have been tutoring my brother and my sister for their studies. since alia a bit lemah dalam subject math, i found myself struggle to make her understand and try really hard to make her love this subject lagi lagi bila dia sangat tak suka subject math ni. fuhh. and i must say that i was very upset with her attitude sebab tak de effort langsung nak belajar walaupun dia tau dia lemah dalam subject tu. she is always trying to escape from study math. ada je alasan yang diberi. -.-" so i was mad and sometimes i felt like erghh susah betul la ada adik macam nie. tak nak dengar cakap suka buat hal and so on. but then i realized i should be thankful to allah that alia only escape from study math and bukan lari dari rumah. and i am suppose to be grateful that alia masih lagi under control berbanding teenagers at her age yang tak boleh di control oleh ibu bapa mereka, yang pergi buat benda bukan2 and beperangai tidak senonoh.
ALHAMDULLILAH! fuhhh. i still consider myself lucky. we love you alia! please notice that!

so lets make a new change. be grateful. try to focus on what's good in your life not what's bad. Everyday take a few minutes to think about all the great things that you have in your life. Be grateful for having a roof over your head, be grateful for having food on your table, be grateful for your family, partner and friends. by doing this insyaallah you will start to appreciate the things even it smallest of things in your life. i challenge you to list 5 things in your life that you be grateful of. be happy and stay positive okayh? ohh yaa when depressing thoughts seem to get you down put a smile on your face and thank that you’re alive and still around :) 

Be thankful for what you have, you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never ever have enough.


Friday, June 3, 2011

friendship VS love

Assalamulaikum! hye hye!
hows your day? the last two days was a very hot day. panasss gila sampai kepala rase berat je. haihh! doa jum! yaallah turun kan lah rahmat hujan mu yaallah. basahilah pohon pohon agar cepat tumbuh dan agar dapat melindungi kami daripada teriknya matahari dan lindungi kami dari tanah runtuh yaallah. amin! and to people please please save our environment! HUHU! kepada kawan kawan yang sensitive dengan panas make sure drink plain water at lease 5L per day mengelakkan hidung berdarah, bibir kering dan macam2 lagi :)

so today post is about friendship and love. which one will win? MUAHAHA! okayh what is friendship? Friendship is the ship (life) that keeps you sailing during bad and good times. with bestfriends you are comfortable and dont need to be pretentious about your moves and your talks. you can actly be someone crazy, someone out of control and perhaps you can just lepak dengan baju tidur. there is nothing to be ashamed of. you definitely can laugh out loud and have fun :) hmmm sounds fun kan?

okayh lets see what is relationship (love)? they said love is an awe-inspiring feeling that every treasures and years to experience. love is like the anchor that keeps you safe near the harbor or during turbulence. hmm sounds good huh? heee. your heart fill with love and it reflects on your face. always try to impress lover with your moves and talks. hurm dua dua pun best. but basically when you into love you only can love one person at the time but friendship you can have thousand friends at one time. HUHU!

Friendship is a quiet walk in the park with the one you trust 
Love is when you feel like you are the only two around

Friendship is when they gaze into your eyes and you know they care
Love is when they gaze into your eyes and it warms your heart

Friendship is being close even when you are far apart
Love is when you can still feel their hand on your heart when they are not near

Friendship is hoping that they experience the very best
Love is when you bring them the very best

Friendship occupies your mind 
Love occupies your soul

Friendship is knowing that you will always try to be there when in need
Love is when you will give up everything to be at their side

Friendship is a warm smile in the winter
Love is a warming touch that sends a pulse through your heart

Love is a beautiful smile to which nothing compares
A tender laugh, which opens your heart
A single touch that melts away your fears
A smell that reminds you of the tenderness of heaven
A voice that reminds you of the innocence of youth
but when love fail friendship needed to glue all the crack cause of love.

Friendship can survive without love
Love cannot live without friendship

for me love and friendship is a part of life. if we don't enjoy both we probably cannot enjoy life :)  for me both win in their situation.  reminder for me and rakan rakan when we get new love please do not forget about friendship same as for those who get a new friendship don't ever forget the one who love u. juggle this two equally insyaallah everything will be fabulous!  

 this is the real love and friendship for me :)
