Wednesday, August 31, 2011

happy eid mubarak 1432!

Assalammualaikum! hye hye!

raya sudahh! yeay! i hope you guys tahun ni full puasa ye? if skip2 nie memang tak feel lah nak raya. hihi! alright2. lets dua'a for all of us okayh.

bismillahhirahmanirrahim! Ya Allah, please accept our fasts, ibadah, dua'a and good deeds that we perform in this holy month (ramadhan). please forgive us for our shortcomings and for all sins that we do. Ya rahman! please strengthen our iman and purity our hearts from all the bad things! amin! Ya Allah Ya rahim, bring us close to you Ya Allah and make our speech and action only for you Ya Allah. please please give us love for one another and unite us in islam as a strong ummah Ya Allah. Amin amin Yarabala'alamin! 

in this syawal, i would like to apologies for all wrongdoings that i've done sama ada sengaja atau tidak sengaja dan sama ada yang zahir mahu pun yang batin. i hope we all have another chance to seek and gain more pahala in next ramadhan. insyaallah. stay safe and senyum selalu! :)

nah pantun bekerat2. 

pejam celik pejam celik da nak raya,
pejam celik pejam celik da sebulan puasa,
pejam celik pejam celik da banyak dosa,
sebelum pejam tak celik celik ampun maaf dipinta!
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri!
Maaf zahir dan batin!



1 comment:

  1. yup..samelah2 kita saling bermaafan and tahniah too dpt pose penoh?
