Thursday, July 7, 2011


Assalammualaikum! hye readers!

hello hello there! how's july been treating you so far? good, i hope :) erm today i would love to apologize to my 'kawan' (who have been so excited to read my post) for the late post for new entry. HAHA! thanx kawan :) as promised, i try to update my blog after subuh prayer. HUHU! alright today im going to talk about SMILE :) :) :) why smile? because i've noticed that a lot of people nowadays susah sangat nak senyum. agree? kalau agree tolong angkat tangan macam sy nie. (ekot ucop wilcha) Bwahaha! tapi serious susah sangat nak senyum masalahnya. tak pasti sama ada dia lupa cara nak senyum atau memang tak nak senyum. HUHU! so i think i should share some fact that could show you how important a smile in life. lets check it out.

a smile is one of the most simple, inexpensive and wonderful things in the world. there are so many benefits you can get through smiling. smile not just make you look happy but it is good for your health too you know. but still, we often forget about this powerful action while we get lost in detail of today and tomorrow. hmmm as human we are drawn to people who smile. seriously lagi lagi dapat lak yang senyum tu lawa orangnya handsome orangnya ye dak? HAHA! if you ask me i definitely will fall for a guy who has a great smile. because for me smile helps you to become attractive person. kalau tak caya gi cuba senyum depan cermin jap tengok handsome or cun tak muka tu ke same je dengan tak senyum. HAHA! smile definitely contiguous! it happened to me. i don't know why but when i look at children or baby yang tengah senyum i will smile too. rasa macam happy jeee. 

 dhani pun pandai senyum.

plus when you smile at someone he or she will feel your energy and return the smile. kalau nak dorang rasa lagi energy tu cuba sentuh mereka i mean bersalaman or peluk ke because the negative energy around them will be less and your positive energy will begin to flow around her or him and eventually will generate and receive more positive energy. if you don't believe me, try senyum time gf or bf marah confirm dia tak jadi marah and at last follow korang senyum. err but try it at your own risk ye? ye la takut lak dapat bf or gf baran silap silap kena lempang pulak. jadi sy tak bertanggungjawab la apa yang terjadi lepas anda senyum tu ye. HAHA! alright smile could switch your mood because by putting a smile on it could actually trick the body into a better mood. the best part is its not only can make yourself feel better but it could also change the moods of others around you as well. so next time when you feel a little bit down, try to smile it might change your mood to be better. insyaallah :)
kemon la weyh baby pun pandai senyum kott.

smiling can relieves stress! i know bila da besar macam macam kita kena fikir. lebih banyak tanggungjawab yang perlu dipikul dan ia boleh membuatkan kita rasa stress. tak kisahlah hidup berumah tangga or hidup bersendirian stress tetap menjadi peneman pabila umur makin meningkat. but when we smile it relieves us from looking tired or overwhelmed. it can make us a bit relax, so when you stressed take some time to put a smile on your face. insyaallah the stress will be reduce abit. how should i know? i am surrounded by people who are going through rough times but still i never see them without a smile on their face. senyum sentiasaa. bak kata orang ganu senyum sokmoo. so it gives me motivation to do the same and alhamdulilah it works! it gives me great optimism in my situation. HUHU! 
 i bet you also smile when you see this picture. hihi!

lastly smile could make you be healthier because it is medically prove that smile lowers the boold pressure, helps the immune system to work better so you become more relax and prevent you from get flu. how this could possibly work? well when you smile, your mood increase and it releases endorphins, natural pain killers and serotonin which makes you feel good. so smiling actually natural drug and definitely make you younger. HUHU! so there are some benefits that you can get through a smile. just give it a try and make it a point to smile to others or even just when you are alone! senyum sensorang pun apa adahal. janji hati happy tul ak? alright thats all about smile. dare yourself to smile okay! :)
nah ambil satu :)



  1. perli kwn nmpk....
    ko pun patut senyum selalu..
    patut letak gmbr ko senyum..
    bkn baby....

  2. haha! dok ehh tak perli pun. bwahah. ehh kata kawan takan tak tau aku ni kuat senyum orang nya? haaa kantoi disitu nampaknya. ohh tak leh doe nanti orang lain yang tengok tesenyum 24hrs je sebab teringat senyuman aku :) thnx for visiting yo :)

  3. yelah ko...kuat senyum lak...
    kuat gelak adela..

  4. adek beradek la tu. it means aku happy :)
