Assalamualaikum! hey readers!
have you heard about alternative to solve food crisis (meat source)? if you do then good it shows that you alert dengan current issue! yeahh :) alright for those who don't lets read about it. HUHU! as we all know human population on earth is continue increasing right? this create to another problem which food supply where it is continuously decreasing. so to overcome this crisis, japanese scientist have found a way to solve it by create artificial meat. yeay? good news huh? but the bad news is it is from sewage which is human feces! ohhh yeahhhh HUMAN POOP! insane huh? no offence but seriously, is it necessarily to use human poop? there like thousand or billions thing in this world why human poop?! betul la kata mak makin tinggi belajar makin bangang pemikiran manusia. HUHU! absurd? yes definitely but that's the fact. japanese scientists have actually discovered a way to create edible steaks from human feces.
it starts when tokyo sewage asked Mitsuyuki Ikeda to explore the possible uses of the sewage and Ikeda found that the mud contained a GREAT deal of protein because it contains a lot of bacteria. the scientists then extract those protein and combined them with a reaction enhancer and put it in an exploder which create the artificial steak. the artificial meat contains 63% proteins, 25% carbohydrates, 3% lipids and 9% minerals. you probably wondering how the 'meat' become red right? hmm the researcher used food coloring and enhance the flavor with soy protein. yang tak le bla nya they have tests on people and some of them not even can differentiate whether it is poop meat or beef meat. unbelievable huh? boleh lak mencubaa. HUHU! allegedly, its low fat, can reduce waste and carbon emmisions. HUHU! walaupun begitu its hard to believe that any benefits could persuade people to take a bite of poop meat. HUHU! if boleh memang hebatttt!
surprisingly, the artificial meat will cost 10-20 times than regular meat. dude! your poop can make moneyyyy! kayo kayo! HAHA! he (Ikeda) admits that some people may have a psychological aversion to eating artificial meat made from poop at first but thinks many would be open to personally completing food chain. pfttt gila betul. they also hope that once the research is complete, people will be able to overlook that ugly detail in favor of perks like environmental responsibility, cost and fact that the meat will be low calories. so are you gonna eat poop meat to take responsible towards earth? lets share your opinion here over this issue. here i attach the video. take your own risk to watch. weeee :P
if artificial meat berjaya dijual. you can start making business with your own poop. HAHA! and you may wanna start to eat veggie! :)
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