Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Present for them :)

Evening people!

Have you ever thought of giving a precious presents for your parent?? Every year when it comes to mothers day, fathers day or our parent's anniversary, i wonder what kind of present should i give to them. Jewelry?, brand new hand phone? The main thing is that i will buy the present with the money they gave to me. haha. So from now on, i promise to work harder and earn more and more money so that i can give them luxury present on every special occasion. First thing as a present, i will buy a  luxury house.

with addition of swimming pool. :)

nice one! :)

oh and of course a car for them.:)

Audi A4 for them. :)

OK. Complete set for them. House and car. But are they satisfied with the present?? I will grow older from year to year so do my parent. So whose gonna use that large swimming pool or whose gonna drive that luxury car?? Hmm.. So what kind of present do they actually deserved? When i am busy with my work and my parent are sick at that 'luxury' house, are that 'luxury' car useful for them at that time? It is hard when thinking of this kind of situation especially when we are apart from them. 

So the best present that i can think now is:
  • Pray for their healthy
  • Make them happy
  • Always remember them
So guys. What kind of present do you wish to give? 
